-> Como instalar kde 4.2 no meu Ubuntu
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O pessoal que mantém os pacotes publicou hoje os passos necessários para isso:
"8.10 (Intrepid)
Packages for Kubuntu 8.10 can be installed by following the instructions below. If you installed KDE 4.2 Beta or RC you can merely update your existing installation.
The updated packages for Kubuntu 8.10 are located in the Kubuntu Experimental Software Personal Package Archive (PPA) repository. To update to KDE 4.2, please follow these instructions:
1. Remove the koffice-data-kde4 package if you have it installed. The current koffice2 packages in the kubuntu-members-kde4 PPA are incompatible with the KDE 4.2 packages since they try to install icons to the same locations.
2. Follow the Kubuntu Repository Guide to enable Recommended Updates and add the following to your 'Third-Party Software' tab:
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/
3. You can add the package signing key with this command:
gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add -
4. Old Plasma packages are not compatible with KDE 4.2, you should uninstall any plasmoids.
5. You can now update any existing KDE 4 installation to the most recent version using the Adept Updater tool in your system tray.
6. Now log out and press Alt + E to restart X. When you log in you will have KDE 4.2. Enjoy.
KDE 4.2 uses Akonadi which will install MySQL. The MySQL packages in intrepid will ask for a password, you can set this to anything you like.
If you come across any issue which may be packaging related, it is recommended that you join the Kubuntu IRC channel (#kubuntu on irc.freenode.net) and query those in the channel for assistance.
Thanks to Harald "apachelogger" Sitter, Jonathan Riddell, Jonathan Thomas (aka JontheEchidna), Scott "ScottK" Kitterman and Steve Stalcup (aka vorian), Nathan Handler, Richard "Arby" Birnie and Roderick Greening for preparing and uploading these packages.
If you want to see your name above, then join the Kubuntu Team.
More information is available in the Kubuntu Wiki
publicado por Leonardo Vaz
o que eu estava procurando, obrigado
ola sera que vc poderia me ajudar , meu computador e kennex do antigo 70 de hd , e 512 de memoria ele veio com um cd do momentium 5.0 insigne / bom ele estava dando pani com o xp o cd estava corrompido entao o unico jeito foi instalar o momentium 5.0 , porem agora ele nao aceita mais o xp , e quando eu tendo ele da pani e desliga assim que o pc le o cd , e para piorar no controle de dministrador eu desativei as participacoes , para ver se poderia instalar o xp so que agora eu o lgo ele inicia so que nao abre mais da um erro e qando eu clico no sim ou no nao ele volta para tela de usuario e senha , o que eu faco agora .
me ajude
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